Project Management
Don’t have a Business account? Start free trial
One tool to manage
all your projects and people
Feasibility in finding tasks and projects
Task board
Creating milestones & assigning subtasks
Project task prioritization and commenting
Get a report on transactions with an easy filtering option. Download the required account statements in either PDF, CSV, or Excel format. You get duly prepared reports on individual Income, Expenses, Tax, Invoice, and bill summary. Filter them based on Account, category, and customers. Also, a graphical display of the Income VS Expense chart along with a detailed calculation of Profit and Loss will help you make informed decisions. Filter the tax summary and Income VS Expense chart based on financial years.
Manage your clients with ease
Fully integrated
with other modules
Sync e-commerce and business operations in one place
Manage and automate your daily business operations
Sales Toolkit
Empowers sales teams with comprehensive tools
Maintain records of business communication
Payment Gateways
Enabling a secure and efficient way to handle payments
Content Management
Manage digital content & documents within system
Scheduling & Appointment
Maintain records of business communication
Social Media
Enhances communication and customer engagement
Cloud Studio
Customise your ERP account to your need