EMail Box
Seamlessly mirrors your starred, unread, and folder organization actions with your web mail mailbox,
ensuring real-time synchronisation
Don’t have a Business account? Start free trial
Real-time synchronisation
of email organisation with web mail mailbox
Discover the convenience of streamlined email management, ensuring that your digital workspace stays organized and up-to-date, no matter where you access it.
Email Management
EMail Box module is a powerful tool designed to streamline your email management process. It seamlessly integrates with your SMTP server, giving you unprecedented control over your email account’s various folders, including Inbox, Drafts, Spam, Sent, Trash, and Archive. But that’s not all; it also empowers you to interact with your emails in ways that were previously unimaginable.
Take your email experience to the next level
Are you tired of the same old email routine? It’s time to take your email experience to the next level with EMail Box! Our innovative module is designed to elevate your email management, making it easier and more efficient than ever before.
Manage your email with EMail Box
In the EMail Box module, you gain seamless access to your email folders, including Inbox, Drafts, Spam, Sent, Trash, and Archive, all hosted on your SMTP server. This powerful tool empowers users to not only retrieve emails but also interact with them in real-time
Fully Integrated
With Other Modules
Seamlessly connects and shares data among various modules
Sync e-commerce and business operations in one place
Manage and automate your daily business operations
Sales Toolkit
Empowers sales teams with comprehensive tools
Maintain records of business communication
Payment Gateways
Enabling a secure and efficient way to handle payments
Content Management
Manage digital content & documents within system
Scheduling & Appointment
Maintain records of business communication
Social Media
Enhances communication and customer engagement
Cloud Studio
Customise your ERP account to your need
From Our System
Capturing the Essence – Visual Journey through Our System’s Interface